Wednesday ,July 24th : Host at the milonga "ABRAZAME" in London Bridge 8-11pm
Friday ,July 26th : Litlle Village hall, Argentine Tango Night, class, perfroamce and Omar will be DJ, host bu Anna Takkula,
Saturday ,July 27th: *workshop of CHACARERA at the "Tango cafe", host by Alan Wallace, Clapham Junction.2-8-pm.(London)
*group class of VALS, at the "CORRIENTES" Milonga, host by Mina & Gerardo. 9pm chalk Farm (London)
Sunday ,July 28th: group class at the "PAVADITA "milonga host by Nicky Preddy 4-8pm Hammersmith (London)
Monday, July 29th until 11st August: LOSOCAMPO in SICILY...
Monday August 12nd: Turkey, Istanbul: Milonga in Armada Hotel, "CHACARERA "class , and Omar will be the DJ , host by Serdar Sugar.
Wednesday, August 14nd: Turkey, Istanbul :performance and DJ Omar at the milonga "MIRADA". host by Mati Türk.
Friday , August 16th to sunday 18th: Turkey, Istanbul :workshops and perfroamce at "EL GARAJ", host by Umut.
Monday , August 19th to 29th: UK, London
Wednesday, August 28th: London, big birthday Monica's party at Kingston, host by Ivan Amanda
Thursday 29th august to 2 nd September : PRAGA, host by Javier Antar.
thursday, September5th : SF, group lesson and performance
​​​​​​12-24 September: classes & Exibitions in Los Angeles (CA) info:whatsapp:+54 911 4415 0320
12nd September:"El Encuentro" class and practica
13rd September: "Milonga Bohemia "host by Osleide Walker
14th September: "Milonga de Pipe & Anna" , en el Encuentro.
15th September: work shops in "El Encuentro".
* Thursday 19th: Palm Springs workshop host by Marina Vinokur
* Friday 20th: Agura Hills,Milonga host by Jorge Visconti & Susana Goytia Miller
*Saturday 21: SAN PEDRO, milonga "Porteña" host by silvia Ashkenazi...celebration Omar's birthday.
Sunday 22nd:
*Tuesday 23th: Omar's birthday party in Eduardo Sidi & Susy
24-30 September LAS VEGAS (NV) , classes & exhibitions
at Elite Dance Studio
Saturday 28th September:pre milonga class 8-9pm & performance
Sunday 29th September: pre milonga class 6-7 pm & milonga with performance 7-10pm
1-8 October: SACRAMENTO, CA Classes & Exibitions
Saturday 5th October: Class & performance in "LA REINA" milonga host by Andrea Monti &Adrian, in Mountain View, Ca
thursday 10- October: host by Terry , class & exibition
Saturday 12th October: "Milonga en el Bosque", in Stamford, CT, host by Ronald & Tanya Frank
Sunday 13rd October: Private lessons in Stamford, CT
Wednesday 16th October: group lesson and practica with Vicki Codru , in Mnahattan NY
Thursday 17th October: MIlonga "La Nacional" class & performance.
​19-26th October: 'Caminito Amigo", host by Julia Elena , Maryland: classes & Exibitions
Sunday 27th October: host by Dragan Milonga Domingo loco in NYC
Thursday 31th October: Terri's Firehouse Tango Milonga, , Leonia (NJ) pre class, Milonga with exibition
and Omar will be DJ
Friday 1st November: Milonga "Mala Junta", 233 Raritan ave, Highland Park , NJ 8pm-12am host by Sandra Gabriela
​Sautrday 2nd, November : MIlonga en Sól, class & performance host by Ruth Hernandez
​2-18 November: Tango Tour in FLORIDA TBA
22-24th November: MICHIGAN , host by Amanda & Donato, classes & Exibition.
29th November:Party with class & Performance in Jack Hanley's Milonga
30th November: "El Garage", host by Muna ,class & exhibition in NJ
from 1st December to 1st March2025: ARGENTINA